You can see the delivery time under the website package we offer; the more complex the site, the longer it'd take.  However, for the simplest website tier (Starter package), we can deliver in under two weeks only if you provide all the materials needed such as text and visual content, logos, etc.   

We start with a face-to-face consultation to discuss your project vision and needs either in person or through video conferencing.  The checklist phase can be done online through video-conferencing or call.  Subsequent communication will be through email, though we may also do phone calls to seek further clarification should the need arises.   

Depending on the website you plan to build, this varies.  In general, we would need your branding guidelines, your logo files (in web format), content (text), imagery and videos you already want to see in the final draft, etc.

We won't be writing your website content, though you can hire us to do that for additional fee, see our "Content Production" service.  

We also don't help populate your entire store category into a e-commerce site (we train you to do that on your own and this helps keep your costs low).  

Yes, we will train you to do this, it's why we build the website on WordPress as it's the easiest content management system for people with little or no technological knowledge. 

Your package also includes more than enough free support so you can lean on us early-on as well

You can let us use dummy text as placeholders and after training, you can update them with your preferred content when you're ready.  For images, we will provide the most relevant stock images, which you can also update on your own.  Video content will also have placeholders for you to link to your video when you have them. 

Alternatively, you can subscribe to our "Content Production" or "Video Production" services to help you populate your website.  However, this means additional time before your website can be delivered. 

You need not worry.  We provide a concept of what your website will look like soon after the consultation phase before actual production and it costs you nothing if you don't like it at all. 

Since we communicate throughout the different phases and proceed only when you are happy with the progress, it's very unlikely you'll dislike the end product.  In fact, we never had any client unhappy with what they receive. 

No, sorry.  We work only with WordPress for good and many reasons, which we won't go through here (it'll take hours).

Sure can!  The first year we do it for free too.  You only need to pay very little annually (a bit more if you choose on a monthly basis) on second and subsequent years.   We strongly suggest you leave this to us!

Yes you can, but why would you? 

Firstly, you need to get this sorted on your own, and if your website has a database (most do), the process gets more complex.  

Secondly, any domain or hosting issues and any web maintenance work you would need to handle yourself.  

Do this only if you are absolutely confident you can manage, and your new provider can give you all the support you’d need.  If you are thinking of doing this to save on paying the annual or monthly web maintenance fee with us, the time and effort may cost you more than what you pay.

We host it for you so you can kick back and relax!  We pay the hosting fee for the first year and we’ll send you an invoice once a month or year thereafter for web maintenance (which includes domain and hosting fees). Alternatively, you can host the website elsewhere and manage it yourself (please make sure you and your hosting provider and domain registration company are all up to task for this though as we do offer support once you’ve switched).  It’s completely up to you.

For those who are super curious, our hosting services are with Hostinger which we have a very strong relationship with and keeps websites running super fast and smooth pretty much all the time, and has very robust security and anti-DDoS  protection.